Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sorry For Being A Dick

Hey guy, I don't know what you did to this poor server or bartender, but if you were truly sorry you would tip more than 18%. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this particular customer was shit-faced when they signed their credit card slip...that or they are just learning how to write and do math, yay.  After looking at it longer, it seems that the person who filled out the credit card slip is not the same person who wrote the message on the bottom.  I feel like maybe the person who filled out the slip is a complete fucking douchebag  who happens to have a girlfriend or wife that knows he's an asshole but wouldn't dare say something to him...instead, she'll just write a note because she thinks that will make everything better.  It happens all the time, an asshole is at the table and other people feel the need to apologize for their "friend."  I just don't understand why people hang out with assholes if they know they are assholes and constantly going to act like an asshole when they are out with them.  After awhile, I think it would get rather embarrassing, but maybe they just become too desensitized or really hate confrontation.  I'm definitely over analyzing this one.

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