Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Onesie Man

A few weeks ago there was an outdoor beer festival happening.  Of course it was -867868 below outside, but NBD, it's Minnesota, and fuck if frost bite condition weather is going to stop people from getting drunk outside!  So, instead of all these drunkies saying, "Hey, we've had a long day of drinking; maybe we should go home," they decide to swarm into this particular brew pub to drink even more. Of course before they sit, they have to disrobe 3-4 layers before taking their seat.  A particular group that took part in this event all decided to wear matching onesies.  Adults, who looked like they were in their mid/late twenties all wearing onesies, typical Uptown hipsters.  One of these particular onesie wearing gents decided to leave this for his server:

Mind you, this particular server who had the luck of serving this guy was so over dealing with these drunk assholes and was in no way flirting with this guy.  I'm pretty sure the only words she said to him were "What do you want to drink?"  He happen to see her glasses, which several people at work call her "Dahmer" glasses because she looks like a serial killer when she wears them.  She doesn't wear them to be cool or ironic, she wears them because they were cheap as fuck and are her go-to glasses when she can't find her fancy prescription pair.  Again, it was one of those customers who never said anything to the server when he was at the table, but decided to leave his number in the hopes that the server will call. (By the way, we never do.)  So, one may think, "Aww, but he's probably just a sweet, shy hipster who doesn't have the courage to ask her out!" And then you turn the receipt around and see this: 

Seriously, is this socially acceptable?  I think she got the hint when you told her to call you for a good "thyme".  She knew you weren't implying that you guys go roast a chicken together.  And by the way, she's not calling you.